fragile army transport bag









The Backstory

This has to be my most successful and favourite army.  And the army that has gone through the most iterations.  It stems from two passions: one for pikemen and one for the idea of hard desert warriors like Al Muktar's Desert Dogs.  The pikemen stems from a battle at school, in the school CCF huts, where a unit of pikemen held a destroyed city gate in a huge seige battle. Actually, not only held the city gate, but drove the enemy out of the city entirely.  I was only about 13 at the time and I've loved the idea ever since.  As for the arab link comes in, I'm not really sure, but I never could see a way to fielding an army out of dogs of war.

The reason I'm such an avid dogs player is the scope it gives you to play around with your army as well as fill blank bits on the warhammer canvas.  Back in 4th and 5th edition, the armies seemed much more one-dimensional than now, and so i turned to dogs for the flexibility i wanted.  Dogs is not a killer list, though the pike rules do seem to unsettle opponents, but I've since found a genuine empathy between dogs generals: that i imagine is not existent between skaven war-mice. 

For a while I had a lot of the tribesmen painted up already, but the real genesis came one Sunday afternoon in Spring 2001, when Ziegfeld Cinema, 54th Street, NYC put on a matinee of Lawrence of Arabia.  Full screen, a break half way (I think half way is about 2 hours in) and I came home that evening and started cutting bretonnian horses in two.  I was hooked.

The army started off with some pikes and some araby stuff, but as i've looked at books and history for information I've pushed the Araby feel more and more.  The army has been played so much that a lot of the early figures are looking in need of a new paint job, so I've put them into semi-retirement for the moment and indulged in some other armies. 

I'm also waiting for the design studio to pull their fingers out of their butts and give the dogs a decent magic items list.  Any dog's general will seethe with frustration at the official tournament rules which state the 'dogs of war armies may take any banner up to 50 points' when the only banner available is the 25 point War Banner.  Come on guys - you could do it in your lunch hour!