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Crinan IVth Regimental History




The Crinan Star System in Segmentum Pacificus is peculiar for having no planets. Great asteroid belts lie where the planets once orbited: destroyed in some cataclysmic war or natural disaster. Clinging precariously onto the tens of thousands of asteroids are mining stations. It is from these scattered communities that the Crinan IVth is raised. While other regiments rely on conscription and or on pressing criminals into combat: the dangerous and difficult life in the mining stations means that there has always been a ready supply of men ready to chance death for riches or travel.

 The frontier mentality of the mining communities (devoutly religious, deep respect for firearms and staunch in its defence of humankind) is reflected in the army itself.  Hermits, holy men and preachers are commonly seen within its ranks and the Bishop of Crinan Asteriodium has also been seen to take the battle in more extreme circumstances.

 As the imperial supplies are distributed by the merchant cartels that control transport to and from the systems – the Crinan IVth is generally last in line for imperial pickings. Their armor is antiquated and rarely used, and instead of relying on heavy armor – the Crinan IVth utilizes massed squadrons of sentinels. This has often meant that Imperial Generals see the Crinan IVth as a scouting force: but battle experience has proved that they are as capable as holding a position against armored attack as any of the Emperor's soldiers.


Regimental History

Initially raised for the Armageddon Campaign, the Crinan IVth were involved in Tau Suppression Campaigns up to the outbreak of the 13th Black Crusade, when they were drafted, along with thousands of other regiments, into the Scarus Sector.  

 They fought battles mainly on Ulant and Mordax Prime.  The last time their single baneblade Imperator Rex, was seen, was in the outskirts of Ulant Prime, as it charged into the massed heretics and crushed them under its massive tracks.   In the ferocity of the fighting their ranks were almost depleted, but rather than being retired, the survivors were included banded together into the mechanised veteran Helios Brigade. 

 They were mentioned in on Hipcat’s Eye of Terror site, Historia Ecclesiastica: De Excidio Helicanus Sectorum 


On the Battlefield

  • Allow Priests

  • Die Hards

  • Veterans (Helios Brigade)

  • Special Weapon Squads (I haven’t modelled any demo charge guys – but am planning to just because they seem so fluffy for these guys!)

I go for the full complement of 12 sentinels, which effectively act as my heavy weapon squads.  I also take a mortar squad with the HQ, because I seem to play lots of hordes, and then tool up all my squads with assault weapons.  Having the sentinels and chimeras acting as my heavy weapons gives the squads lots of flexibility.  I usually have 5-6 squads of troops, one of which will be an armoured fist, and with a remnant as well, who are perfect for sending forward with a melta and zapping carnifexes and the like.  What’s amazing is how well these guys with die hard stand up in hth.  It’s also a hell of a lot of fun to play a more mobile guard army.   

Extra Fluff pdfs: Crinan IVth   /   Imperial Guard: Crinan IVth



Whoot!!  The Crinan IVth are Official!!   

Andy Hoare’s The 13th Black Crusade lists the Crinan IVth as one of the regiments fighting in Scarus.  Ah!  It’s good to know when the sacrifices of your men have been appreciated!!